ABC loose-passive’s are the easiest opponent’s to play, and you generally have the largest edge against them. Most lowstakes players are ABC loose-passive. Aspiring to see many flops, they habitually limp. Their propensity to call pre-flop raises varies, but they call pre-flop raises much more than your average opponent. On the flop they tend to be fit or fold. Meaning, if they hit the flop, they continue, if not, they’ll fold. The good news is they’re easily exploitable.

One method of exploitation is merely playing better starting hands. That way, you’ll trap them when their inferior hands provide you with big edges. You’ll “outkick” them, set-over them, make higher flushes and commonly make better hands than they will against you. You can also play a wide range with position, but need to be aware of players behind you and play well after the flop. If you’re not a good post-flop player, don’t play your marginal hands pre-flop.

Another exploitative method is to isolate and continuation bet them. Since they’re folding when they miss, and they’ll miss the flop around 60% of the time, a continuation bluff or semi-bluff is high EV. Unpaired starting hands make a pair or better about 1/3rd of the time, but additional draws make the 60% missed flop number a good approximation. When your opponent holds a small wired pair, he will to miss almost 90% of the time. If you continuation bet ½ pot, you need a fold 33% of the time to acquire immediate fold equity. That’s good EV, and those situations present themselves repeatedly.

When contemplating an isolation play, you need to reasonably assess its effectiveness. If players behind are likely to call or 3-bet you, your isolation play has lost considerable value. If that is the case, tighten up and exploit their weaker hands that way. Additionally, having position strengthens isolation plays considerably.

Making isolation/continuation bet plays also adds value because it makes you harder to read, and you will acquire more action when you hit your hand. When you’re continuously betting at them, your opponents will tend to call you more liberally.

When continuation betting with a weak hand after isolating, you’ll need to take the board texture into consideration. Some boards will hit your opponent’s range more than others. Be more inclined to check the boards that are more likely to hit your opponent’s range. I.E. A J♦-T♠-8♦ flop hits more of your opponent’s range than a K♦-7♣-2♥h board.

Those plays work well against ABC loose-passive opponents. Just select the right situations and execute.

And if you’ve done that correctly, you’ll improve your edge tremendously.