Day Date Time Event Entry Fee Notes
Monday July 15 4:00pm BOD Meeting via Zoom
6:00pm Charity Tournament: No Limit Hold’em & Pot Limit Omaha Double Board Bomb Pot (with rebuys) $105+$35, $60 rebuys (1)
Tuesday July 16 11:00am Pot Limit Dramadugi (reentry permitted) $75+$25 (2)
5:00pm HOT (reentry permitted) $105+$35 (3)
Wednesday July 17 11:00am Blackjack $50+0 self-dealt
2:00pm No Limit Funbook Hold’em: Each entry comes with a special coupon book - redeem’em and weep! (reeentry permitted) $105+$35 (4)
8:00pm Team CHORSE $440+$50
Thursday July 18 10:00am Triple Stud Shootout $75+$25 (5)
1:00pm Chinese Poker Mix (2nd chance event, reentry permitted) $75+$25 (6)
4:00pm 5 Card Pot Limit Omaha (with lammers) $105+$35
7:00pm Organized Cash Games (mini-reindeer games)
Friday July 19 10:00am Mike Sexton Original TOC-Style $120+$40 (7)
6:00pm TOC-Style Dinner Break
6:00pm BARGE Annual Dinner (speaker Yosh Nakano)
8:00pm TOC-Style Resumes
8:30pm Bidirectional Chowaha High/Low (2nd chance event; reentry permitted) $75+$25 (8)
Saturday July 20 10:30am No Limit Holdem — Main Event $135+$45
12:00n Group Picture (on site location TBA)
1:30pm Tournament of Not Yet Champions No Limit Holdem (2nd chance event, reentry permitted) $100+$25 (9)
7:00pm No Limit Holdem Restart
7:00pm Expanded Cash Games (Reindeer Games)


BARGE registration fees/annual membership dues are $30 if paid in advance of BARGE. They can also be paid on site, but the amount for on-site registration will be $50.


  • This event is modeled after this year’s WSOP event 41
  • Every 8 hands game switches between NLHE and PLO
  • Double board bomb pots occur on the first hand of every game change (separate button is used for bomb pots)
  • Remaining 7 hands are standard single board NLHE/PLO
  • Unlimited $60 rebuys during first hour (must be below starting stack); all players may add-on for $60 at first break
  • All rebuy/add-on proceeds to be donated to winner’s choice of a variety of charities to be announced


  • pot limit single draw after flop
  • pot split between best Omaha high hand (using the board) and best A-4 Badugi hand (using only hole cards)


  • Mix of Limit Hold’em, Omaha/8, 2-7 Triple Draw


  • Coupons can each be used once per tournament and include (subject to change):
    • run it twice (can be used at any point in the hand)
    • steal the button
    • skip a blind+ante (button and other small blind remain the same)
    • replace a card in your hand (can be used at any point in hand)
    • opponent must show one card (opponent’s choice) immediately
    • opponent must show both cards at conclusion of hand
    • 2x blockers (nullifies opponent’s coupon)


  • mix of limit stud, razz, and stud/8
  • each table plays to a single winner
  • final table restarts at 1:00 pm


  • game changes every level and rotates among:
  • standard Chinese poker (1-6 scoring)
  • standard (not pineapple) open face Chinese poker with 2-7 middle (1-6 scoring with royalties but no Fantasyland)
  • Taiwanese poker (players set 7 cards into 1/2/4 card hands, then a board is dealt (see for rules and scoring)
  • Moss poker (after seeing a flop, players set 10 cards into 5 Hold’em hands (see for rules and scoring)
  • timed tournament - tournament will run three hours, then prize pool will be distributed among remaining players proportional to chip count


  • Holdem, Omaha/8, Stud played in rotation.


  • 4 card Chowaha played eight or better
  • after the flop betting, button rolls die to determine whether turn and river are dealt to the right of flops or underneath flops


  • restricted to players who have never won a BARGE event

Historical Footnote

Neither Bidirectional Chowaha High/Low nor the Tournament of Not Yet Champions was run. Both events had to be cancelled likely due to a lack of dealers.