BARGE had some last minute problems finding a home in 2006. due to licensing issues surrounding some online poker companies who sponsored BARGE.

Originally, the event was going to be held at the Plaza again, but they pulled out at the 11th hour. Caesars and The Palms were discussed as possible hosts.1

In the end the Venetian stepped up and did a fabulous job hosting BARGE.

The Tuesday tournament in 2006 was Lazy Pineapple, and that was won by Keith Troell, followed by Warren Sander in second and Claude Carlson in third. In the newly christene d "Mike Zimmers Memorial" lowball event Kenny Shei won with Bob Jones and Randy "Schmengie" Collack coming in second and third. The "Icicles" won the Team CHORSE event. Jeff Landgraf won the stud shootout with Daniel Lykins in second and Nolan "ADB Darkside" Dalla in third. Don Condit won the ToC-style event with Steve "Lunchbox" Forcash and Bill Campion close behind.

The banquet was held at the Venetian and Phil Gordon was the speaker. The theme of Phil’s talk was becoming, and staying, overrated.

One important phrase entered the BARGE lexicon from Phil’s talk:

“Don’t you know who I am?”

The NL tournament winner was Mordecai Schwartz. David "Heldar" Heller finished second, and Don "ADB Bingo" Rieck came in third.

In an upset, or so Perry insists, Barry Goren beat tiltboy Perry "The Baiter" Friedman in the World Roshambo Championship.

Rick "Zbigniew" Bevan was awarded the prize for best chip castle.

Complete results for BARGE 2006

  1. Weinstock, Charles. The Story of BARGE 2006, published, 14 August 2014, archived as PDF in 2025↩︎